Update 05: Damaging “achievements”… of the several Gawain Briars-led Committees
We thought it worthwhile to list the astonishingly high number of extraordinary, damaging happenings presided over by Gawain Briars in his role as Chairman of the club’s three administrations since his accession on 13 October 2020 – a period of only 18 months. We say extraordinary as the club is not some sort of multi-national conglomerate – it’s just a members owned squash club of approximately 300 members.
This list of extraordinary, damaging happenings includes:
- several legal processes being commenced against the club (more are expected) – one of which resulted in a five-day court hearing
- innumerable breaches of the Articles of Association and the Companies Act by the Directors – exposing the club to potential further legal actions
- the expulsion from the club of three (former) longstanding members
- the exclusion from the club of at least two, most probably six, other (former) longstanding members without their knowledge
- the mid-term resignations of four elected Directors
Of course, these happenings couldn’t have progressed, from instigation to conclusion, without the full support of the majority of Directors who, under the Companies Act 2006, have specific statutory obligations:
- A director must act in accordance with the company’s constitution…its Articles of Association
- A director must act in a way that would, most likely, promote the success of the company
- Directors are under a general duty to remain independent – avoiding being dominated by a fellow director
- A director must exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence
Readers can judge for themselves, given the information on this website, whether or not the listed directors have fulfilled their statutory obligations.