Update 03: Former Directors excluded without notification or explanation
Despite having resigned their directorships and leaving the club some 18 months ago two former Directors have, only recently, been made aware of a decision by the Briars-led Committee to exclude them from the club.
Neither of them has been informed directly nor has either of them been given an explanation.
Elizabeth England
Having served the club as a Director for 8 years Elizabeth England resigned her directorship in October 2020 following which she left the club. Last month her husband notified the club of his, and his wife’s, accepted entry to the forthcoming doubles competition at NSRC.
Following my last email, Mark Fuller has now confirmed my place in the upcoming mixed doubles tournament, with my wife Elizabeth. Before I pay for my entry plus the tournament sponsorship, I’m reaching out to you for confirmation there will be no issues in my wife’s use of the club facility on this day?”
Elizabeth England’s husband to Nick Hargreaves (NSRC Manager)
9 February 2022
The reason he felt it necessary to write was simply due to having heard a rumour that his wife might not be made welcome at the club. The response confirmed the rumour to have been accurate:
Following your previous email, the NSRC Management and Committee have discussed your request for Elizabeth and yourself entering the Doubles tournament on 19th February 2022. The decision has been made that Elizabeth will not be permitted to enter the NSRC premises.”
Nick Hargreaves (NSRC Manager) to Elizabeth England’s husband
9 February 2022
Brian Cripps
Having served as a Director for one year Brian Cripps resigned his directorship in October 2020 following which he left the club. He was made aware of having been excluded from the club only two weeks ago following the submission of an email to NSRC from his new club’s team captain, at the request of Andrew Hood, in advance of a league match at NSRC.
As you’re aware, David Lloyd West Bridgford has a Division 1 fixture with Racketeers this Sunday, the 6th of March, at NSRC The Park. Naturally, like any other Club, we would intend to field our strongest available team.
This will most likely include Andrew Hood, Sheldon England & Brian Cripps. Could you kindly confirm, as a matter of urgency, whether or not this will present an issue. I look forwards to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Leckie Dow (David LLoyd WB team captain) to Nick Hargreaves (NSRC Manager)
1 March 2022
The reason for inluding Brian Cripps in the above query was the suspician that Elizabeth England had been excluded purely for being a member of the Committee immediately prior to the accession of the Briars-led Committee. As such it was reasonable to assume that the same applied to Brian Cripps who had, similarly, been a member of that same Committee. The response confirmed that assumption to have been accurate.
Mr. Hood has been permanently excluded from the Club and has been informed he cannot use any of the Club’s facilities, therefore, the Committee reaffirmed that Mr Hood would not be allowed on the premises.
With regards to Mr. B Cripps, he was a member of the previous Committee, but subsequently resigned his membership as well as his Committee position. The committee discussed his position and importantly the impact he would have on the staff if he were to be allowed on premises. It was decided that to support the well being of the staff Mr Cripps would not be allowed on premises.
Nick Hargreaves (NSRC Manager) to Leckie Dow (David Lloyd WB team captain)
(3 March 2022)
It would appear that the above mentioned former Directors have been excluded from the club simply for being members of the preceding Duckworth-led Committee.
It surely follows that all six former Directors who were on the Duckworth-led Committee immediately preceding the accession of the Briars-led Committee have, similarly, been arbitrarily excluded by the Briars-led Committee – without any due process having been followed, without having been informed of their exclusion and without having been given an explanation.
We can’t help but wonder how many other former club members have been similarly ‘dealt with’, secretly or otherwise, by successive Briars-led administrations. The body count just keeps on growing.